Viewing Gateway CDR History

You can view historical Call Detail Records (CDR) of Gateway calls in the Gateway CDR History table. The table displays the last 4,096 CDRs. CDR history information is stored on the device’s memory. When a new CDR is generated, the device adds it to the top of the table and all existing entries are shifted one down in the table. If the table has reached maximum capacity of entries and a new CDR is added, the last CDR entry is removed from the table.

The CDR fields in the table cannot be customized.
If the device restarts, all CDRs are deleted from memory and from the table.
You can mask (hide) values of certain CDR fields, as described in Masking PII in CDRs.
To view Gateway CDR history:
Web: Open the Gateway CDR History table (Monitor menu > Monitor tab > VoIP Status folder > Gateway CDR History).

All CDR history:
# show voip calls history gw
CDR history for a specific SIP session ID:
# show voip calls history gw <session ID>

Gateway CDR History Table



Call End Time

Displays the time at which the call ended. The time is displayed in the format, hh:mm:ss, where hh is the hour, mm the minutes and ss the seconds (e.g., 15:06:36).

End Point

Displays the device's endpoint involved in the call, displayed in the format:

Digital: <interface>-<module>/<Trunk ID>/<B-channel>. For example, "ISDN-1/2/3" denotes ISDN module 1, Trunk ID 2, B-channel 3.


Displays the phone number (source number) of the party who made the call.


Displays the phone number (destination number) of the party to whom the call was made.


Displays the direction of the call with regards to IP and Tel sides:

"Incoming": IP-to-Tel call
"Outgoing": Tel-to-IP call

Remote IP

Displays the IP address of the call party. For an "Incoming" call, this is the source IP address; for an "Outgoing" call, this is the destination IP address.


Displays the duration of the call, displayed in the format hh:mm:ss, where hh is hours, mm minutes and ss seconds. For example, 00:01:20 denotes 1 minute and 20 seconds.

Termination Reason

Displays the reason for the call being released (ended). For example, "NORMAL_CALL_CLEAR" indicates a normal off-hook (hang up) of the call party.

Session ID

Displays the SIP session ID of the call.